logo - Co-funded by the EU
logo del progetto con una chiazza rosa e la scritta "her boundaries" in stile punk

Her Boundaries

KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in the adult education sector.

HerBoundaries aims to create innovative teaching materials for organisations and individuals involved in preventing and combating gender-based violence. The main objectives include:

  • Strengthening participants' linguistic, intercultural and substantive skills.
  • Strengthening partner organisations through the exchange of experiences and the adoption of new educational tools.
  • Supporting women in the local community.
  • Improve the assertiveness of socialised women.

Through this project, we aim to address gender inequalities, social exclusion and the under-representation of women in the public sphere, addressing crucial issues such as combating gender-based violence and micro-aggressions, as well as promoting multiculturalism, through training materials and workshops.

Duration:18 months

Start and end date:: 01/12/2023- 31/05/2025



Le Tre Ghinee – ItalY


During the project a series of activities will be realised in synergy between partners.

The main outcomes of these activities will be:

  • E-book for educators with recommendations and guidelines on methodology for working with groups of women (of different ages, experiences, status, etc.). It contains answers to questions on why to address the topic of equality, diversity, examples of good practice - dimensions of diversity, examples of forms of action, and how to support the development of competence and a sense of strength and self-esteem in women. There will be information on legal acts such as the Istanbul Convention.
  • Short video clips (10 in total) on how to respond to microaggressions and WenDo self-defence techniques.
  • Local workshops on the following topics: consent, unconscious bias, negative stereotypes microaggressions, protecting one's boundaries (at work, school, etc.), inclusive language, and gender equality.
  • Local self-defence workshops for women.
  • Final conference and dissemination activities.

Link progetto
